Friday, December 5, 2008


By: Lauren Lee, Korea International School
Resolutions might take days, weeks, or even months to put together. I haven’t seen a delegate that loved the process. But it is a matter of fact that every delegate loves debating the resolution afterwards. Maybe due to such a long preparation period, some delegates have forgotten that they loved debating. Munity-East snapped photos to find out how and why some delegates were rocking THIMUN Singapore and why some were sleepwalking through the conference
We witnessed a lot of snoozing. While other delegates were presenting or debating against the submitted resolution, some delegates were nodding off, possibly dreaming about debating and portraying their ideas. Due to packed schedules -- conference, homework, flirting, shopping -- delegates could no longer stay awake to hear resolutions that they had spent hours on. Whether or not they were going to be able to present a valuable vote did not matter, sleep was sweet as candy for those delegates.
If sleeping didn’t suffice, reading and texting proved tempting substitutes. Some delegates preferred novels to resolutions. They were very concentrated -- just on the wrong material. Some delegates were so excited about telling their friends about the resolution that they actually forgot about debating and went ahead with texting.
However, more good attitudes than bad attitudes presented themselves. Most of the delegates had resolution out and ready to quickly turn to the necessary clauses. Most of the delegates also had pens or highlighters to mark important passages. Delegate of Cameroon Callum Jubb and Suzie Kim never stopped taking notes and commenting on the margins of his resolution copy. This left him well-informed and ready for speeches right away. Good attitudes also included delegates’ speaking confidently and portraying their colors and ideas. Delegate of Netherlands Rick Harting commented that he demonstrated his enthusiasm for MUN by “speaking confidently and portraying his ideas whenever he is recognized.”

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