Friday, November 21, 2008

Advisory Panel President: Rachel Hemperly

“I love the Advisory Panel, and the potential of what it is able to achieve, even in a mock setting like MUN,” says Rachel Hemperly, this year’s Advisory Panel President for THIMUN-Singapore. One of the reasons Hemperly joined MUN was because she is ardent about politics, international relations, and the globalization theory. Therefore, MUN creates opportunities for her to learn more about her personal interests.
She has been in MUN for the past four years and has participated in everything from note passing to logistics, delegating to chairing. Her experiences include: BEIMUN, THIMUN 2008 and MYMUN 2006, 2007 and 2008. Sadly, she will be soon participating in her last high school conference in MYMUN 2009.
In THIMUN this year, Rachel will be chairing the sub-committees, Humanitarian and Political, and will also deal with the question on Nepal. As President, her goal is to encourage a flowing discussion and a debate involving many delegates.

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