Friday, November 21, 2008

Deputy Secretary General Mareike Herzog

She rocked the THIMUN Hague 2008 conference and is now bringing back her superpowers to THIMUN-Singapore 2008. Her optimistic attitude brightens up the entire conference room, and her leadership skills allow people to look up to her at all times. Mareike Herzog, 17, proves her powers by already having experienced four conferences in executive positions. As a Deputy Secretary General for the upcoming THIMUN conference, she is prepared for new experiences, challenges, and opportunities in getting to meet new people.
Some may question how much MUN really impacts the real world, but Mareike has no doubt that it helps bring about great changes. She believes that MUN changes the world little by little, starting with the way many delegates and other participants perceive society. She hopes that in the midst of constructing debates, exploring global cultures and voicing strong opinions, the delegates may not only map out the blueprint of our future, but also plan the responsibility to realize it. Mareike finds herself attracted to MUN because she loves that conferences bring a number of dedicated people together, all working towards a better goal.
Ambitious, qualified and experienced, Mareike is ready to rock and roll for the first time at THIMUN-Singapore. She says, "Cheers! I'll probably talk your ear off, so feel free to hide!"

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